Ous story

What does VAEL mean for us? It is the realization of a dream which has lived for 4 generations...

Scroll down to get to know everything about our story and the origin of our brand VAEL

The story of that dream

Century V b.C.

A land of milenary tradition

In the V century b.C. the Iberians already inhabited the area of Jumilla growing vineyards and making wine according to the remains in the archeological site of Coimbra del Barranco Ancho.

The oldest remains of Vitis Vinifera (the vine plant) in Europe were found in Jumilla

Beginning of the XX century

The origin of our family

The seed: Our grand-grandfather, Francisco Lozano Marin, already worked his own Monastrell vineyards along with his main job as a forest steward

In 1961 the P.O.D. Jumilla is established

A land with origin

The regulatory counsel of the Jumilla P.O.D. in 1961 and since 1966 it has its own regulations. Jumilla is one of the oldest P.O.D. in Spain

In the late 80s and 90s VAEL vineyards grew exponentially

The first results arrive

During this last part of the XX century, commanded by our grandfather Emilio Lozano Abellán, the vineyards from which VAEL is obtained these days grew exponentially. It was during these years as well that the first extraordinary results for these vineyards arrived. They were selected various time to provide the grapes for some of the highest quality wines in Jumilla

2023 VAEL arrives to the market

The completion of a dream

In 2023 VAEL Red 2020 is released to the market. This is a wine that represents the best of the essence of Jumilla and the long tradition of our family


VAEL is the Iberian god who protects nature and forests. Hence, this name is the perfect tribute to two traditions linked to vine growing and wine. The one of our family that was initiated 4 generations ago when our grand-grandfather was a forest steward. As well as the one of Jumilla started by the Iberians who praised this god.

Therefore, VAEL links and praises two long traditions, the one of our family and the one of our home Jumilla. VAEL was represented by Iberians with a wolf, which explains logo of our brand. 

Who are we?
emilio (2)

Emilio Lozano

Emilio Lozano padre

Francisco Lozano (father)

isabel vazquez

Isabel Vázquez

Francisco Lozano

Francisco Lozano (son)